miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Serge Haroche ganó Nobel por ''domesticar'' átomos y luz

"We tried to study the simplest possible interaction between matter and light, between atoms and photons''

PARIS, FRANCE (09/OCT/2012.) - Frenchman Serge Haroche, said today after learning that he had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics 2012 that his scientific investigations consist essentially of "tame" the atoms and light.
"We intend to study the simplest possible interaction between matter and light, between atoms and photons," said Haroche news conference in Paris, still overwhelmed by the media frenzy of his award, he confessed.

Her research and those of his colleague and friend David Wineland American, who shares the prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, have achieved "best isolate the atoms and photons to avoid disturbances" and to study them properly.
Cooled atoms and photons in order to reduce their speed and catch them in an electromagnetic field without destroying them, said the thirteenth French Nobel Physics in the College of France, where he is a professor.

This scientist, 68, likes to explain that the photon is like the soldier who dies Marathon after delivering his message, except through their research, the messenger particle (photon) survives.

His research opens the door to the development of quantum computers, much more powerful and faster than the current, the field called quantum information and communication.

However, Haroche confesses that it is "skeptical about the operation of the quantum computer, the way I think today" and although he believes that they will see the light in the future, no one dares to outline how and when.

Alternatively, however, provide examples of applications derived nearest his working field as atomic clocks running ions and achieve timing with high accuracy and enabling, among other things, operation of the GPS device.

French born in Casablanca (Morocco) in 1944, the new Nobel, has managed to manipulate photons as no one before him had done and his experiments have allowed to unpublished measurements in quantum physics to get those light particles trapped between two mirrors and measure their behavior without destroying them.

The specialist in quantum optics and quantum information science, also cherishes a long career as a teacher, so remember that "winning research today is the fruit of many years of work (...) as a team" and encourages new generations interested in science.

"It is essential to attract bright young people to careers in science, basic research. But lead them to a trap, but a career that allows them to have a normal life" for what to "simplify bureaucracy and prevent youth spend too much time looking for money for research and less to his scientific work, "he said.

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